Why Does The Credentialing Process Take So Long?

  1. The credentialing process can take between 90 and 120 days, but it depends on the complexity of your case. In some cases, the process may be completed within 90 days and sometimes, it can take more than 120 days. Keeping in mind, the complexities of the payer requirements.
  2. We understand that the credentialing process can be intimidating, so we will do our best to complete the process in a timely manner.
  3. especially if you don’t have access to a credentialing team or people who understand the process.
  4. That’s why we’re here to help! We can walk you through the steps of the process and make sure you have all the resources necessary to complete it in a timely manner.

How Much Should You Pay For Your Contracting Services?

We highly recommend considering the following factors vehicle choosing your contracting partner

  • Portfolio
  • Deliverables
  • Pricing
  • Timing
  • Culture & Fit

How To Avoid Endogenous Risks In Contracting

Parties should agree on the prevention of endogenous risks (asymmetric information after the conclusion of the contract) as well as on the procedure in case of unforeseeable circumstances (random risk, parameter risk, and change risk to the healthcare program)

How To Identify An Incomplete Contract

It is when specific contractual regulations are not provided for in incomplete contracts.

What Is A Relational Contract

The term “relational contract” describes a contract established upon the assumption of a longer term. Upon conclusion of the contract, only the framework is agreed; the actual details are finalized after the completion of the contract

What Are The Two Major Categories Of Reimbursement Methods

Directly performance-linked reimbursement methods, in which the level of the remuneration correlates to the scope of the services performed, 

Directly performance-linked reimbursement methods, i.e. they are not tied to the number of services performed, such as the number of employees or members served.

Contract Administration Vs Contract Management

 The contract administration process takes place prior to the contract being signed into effect, and the contract management process takes place after it has been signed to ensure that deadlines and deliverables are met.

What Your Team Needs To Know About Contracting

Based on their position within the hospital/facility, different staff members will need to familiarize themselves with different aspects of contractual goals.

What Is Contract Management

Following the execution and commencement of a contract, contract management occurs. As a result, contract compliance ensures that all the terms and conditions in a contract are adhered to.

How To Calculate SPI In Credentialing & Contracting Process.

The SPI formula is a ratio of the budget and the time it takes to complete work. Therefore, the SU is 

calculated by dividing the EV by the PV. You can then multiply this number by 100:

SU = EV / PV x 100

Does WWS Help With Accreditation?

WWS has partnered with several Accreditation organizations and has developed a new approach to bridge both worlds of trying to fill new and unique care segments as well as rapidly take advantage of market opportunities. 

Is Durable Medical Equipment Business Worth The Effort. Here’s Our Take

1: The market is stable

2: There are hundreds of thousands of active patients that need your product or service

3: Companies have been around for decades, which means they understand how to provide really good care at a fair price. This means they will be willing to work with you when you choose their niche

Is There A Connect Between Accreditation & CMS?

An accredited provider, will receive a letter of acceptance and the accreditation will begin on the date specified, and the records are kept up to date with both the accreditation board and CMS.

How Long Does It Take To Become Accredited?

The accreditation process can take anywhere from 3-6 months, depending on a number of factors. 

These include:

  •  The size of your facility. 
  • The amount of time needed to conduct an on-site inspection at your facility
  • How well you have prepared for the inspection.

How To Use A Ranking Data Set On Payers

When Statements On The Order Of Observations Are More Important Than The Magnitude Of Their Differences

 And When Little Is Known About The Underlying Distribution Of The Data